The lift
method on each source hides away the internals of RxJS so you can simply connect a source
to the subscriber
you're working with. The lift
method take an object with a call
function with subscriber
and source
arguments, then it's up to you how you want to connect them together.
Previous we created a custom subscriber, we do it in subscribe() function:
import { from, Subscriber } from "rxjs";const observable$ = from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);const subscriber = { next: value => { console.log(value); }, complete: () => { console.log("done"); }, error: value => { console.log(value); }};class DoulbeSubscriber extends Subscriber { _next(value) { * 2); }}observable$.subscribe(new DoulbeSubscriber(subscriber));
Of course it isn't ideal to do the transformation in subscriber.
Better way is that we can do though `pipe`, create a custom subscriber and using in the pipe:
const doulbe = source => { return source.lift({ call(sub, source) { source.subscribe(new DoulbeSubscriber(sub)); } });};observable$.pipe(doulbe).subscribe(subscriber);
We can use `lift` function which accpet an object has a call(subscriber, source).